
Hello, I am Brandi!

I am a Nationally Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach and Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach based just outside of Boise, Idaho. I am here to empower you to make your health a priority in your everyday life.


As a child,

I suffered major digestive health discomfort which lead to a plethora of other barriers with my body image and mental health. I was bullied for looking like I was pregnant because my stomach was so inflamed and bloated. I would bring jackets and flannels to school even on hot days to cover my stomach when sitting at my desk because I was so insecure about my stomach. I remember countless nights crying in my room upset asking my mom why this is happening to me and wondered if it would ever go away. I was desperate for an answer to take me out of my pain. I saw a handful of specialists and none of them found anything out of the norm through the variety of tests they took to explain the pain I was feeling. (Sound familiar?!)


Once I hit college,

I had enough of this unknown stomach pain and knew something had to change. This is when I decided to take my stomach pain more seriously to get to the root cause. This is when I learned about food intolerances and how disruptive they can be on your internal and even external health.

Throughout the process of learning how to heal myself I realized that I could help others take back control of their health as well. Without even realizing it, I was coaching those around me on ways they can optimize their health and nutrition. I would take my students from my group fitness classes to the grocery store to teach them how to shop for healthier foods and read labels. I would challenge my friends to 30 day squat challenges, or race them to finishing our water bottles by the end of our lectures. I was HEALTH without even realizing it!


Years later,

I am still doing those same things, only now it is not my hobby, it is my career I am incredibly passionate about! Through healing myself I realized I was extremely passionate about educating others on their personal health and how gut health truly impacts’ everything. I spent over 3 years as a corporate health coach before deciding to open my private coaching practice.

Health Coaches are the leaders of the wellness revolution. The way people approach their health now is much different than it was five years ago which makes the role of a Health Coach that much more important.

What we put into our bodies, the thoughts we think, and the way we go about our daily life is vital to our health. If any of this is out of balance, that’s where chaos begins. That’s were disease arrives out of nowhere.


Health Coaches bridge the gap between doctors, your nutrition, lifestyle, and you! Do you ever feel like you know all these things, but when it actually comes time to make a change or do something about it you are sinking in quicksand? (Breathe, it’s okay! I’ve been there too.)

As a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach, it is my job to educate and inspire you to stay in control of their health day in and day out. I help you create a game plan to the healthiest version of you. There is so much more to Health Coaching than healthy eating and exercise. It is mindset, motivation, accountability, and problem solving that leads to a healthier you! If you’ve made it this far into my about me then it is time for me to get to know you. Click the link below to set up a Discovery Session and start taking those steps to a healthier you!

Education/ Certifications

National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)

Institute of Transformational Nutrition,
Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC)
Digestive Health Specialist

National Personal Training Institute,
Certified Personal Trainer (NASM CPT)

CSU Channel Islands,
Bachelor of Arts, Communication